Friday, July 22, 2011

Nick, The Painter?

This is way to good to keep to myself. Every time I think about this I laugh out loud, I even shared it with my 10 year old grandson; however he didn't really get the humor in the story. Hope you will!

I have to preface the funny part with a little soap opera history. When I was a young stay at home mom I watched a couple of different soap operas but my very favorite was All My Children. It was totally different than I imagine it is today. Erica was a young, newly married woman. Now the story is about who her first husband was, Nick. If I remember correctly (and I wouldn't place any bets) Nick and Erica were high school sweethearts. Sometime after graduation Nick became a police officer. I can't remember what happened to him but like all of Erica's other husbands, she divorced Nick.

Nick must have been totally devastated because he ended up here in Tehachapi. Now he obviously didn't retire on his earnings from the soaps because here in real land he is a house painter. Don't get me wrong, I love house painters. My husband is a house painter (the best ever, I might add).

We would see Nick The Painter (that was the name I gave him when he first came to town and I saw and recognized him) around town, mostly at Home For Less, our local discount paint and hardware store. Well, I was in Home For Less doing a errand for my Husband The Painter.
Nick was in the store buying a very small artists brush. When the clerk asked him what he needed it for, because we all know it would take a little long to paint a house with that, he showed a mixture of embarrassment and pride. He replied that he had just finished painting a woman's house and she wanted him to autograph it for her. Funny, right? That's not even the story that I'm getting to, although I do think that is pretty hilarious.

So here's the story. I'm at home today cleaning floors and doing all that fun house stuff when the phone rings. It is Steve. I'm not surprised because he calls me several times throughout the day, sometimes just to tell me how his day is going, sometimes to complain about a couple of certain workers who are fodder for a whole other blog and sometimes just to say hi. This time he is laughing as I pick up the phone so I know this is going to be good.

He tells me that there are a lot of guys around who are wearing shirts that say Nick the Painter on them. Now that is a little odd because Nick works alone. Here's where it gets good, maybe only to me because I feel like I am the reality TV it!! Nick is doing a reality TV show. Guess what it's called. Yup, Nick the Painter. Is that great or what?

I told Steve that I think I'm going to call Nick and ask for an estimate on painting our house so I can be on TV. So watch for me next season, I'm guessing, on Spike TV maybe. Who knows.

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