Sunday, March 7, 2010

Persona Non Grata

I went from being a favored grandma to persona non-grata in just one evening. My, but those little beings under the age of two (or perhaps under the age of 60) can be so fickle.
Steve and I watched three of our little granddaughters all day yesterday and into the evening. I had so much fun and I think the girls did too. Janie, who is the youngest and who has always been just a little leery of me , loved me yesterday. I was the one she wanted to be with and to hold her and yes, even to change her diaper.
I thought we had turned a new page in our short relationship (short because she isn't even two yet). So when Janie walked into church this morning with her parents and sisters I was sure she was going to reach her little arms out to me and cry for Grandma. She didn't reach her arms out, so when I did I had no doubt that she would want me, but all I heard was NO!!!!!!
Although my hopes were dashed I am not feeling totally rejected. I have four other little granddaugthers and three grandsons who seem to like me pretty much. And, thinking back a few years, Emma (who is now 9 years old) didn't like me much until she was about 4 or 5 years old. So, I'm okay. I'm pretty sure Janie will come around too, especially when she grasps the idea of bribery.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, if it makes you feel any better, I think most days lately Emma would pick you over me in a flash!
