Thursday, August 25, 2011


I LOVE happy accidents, it's like something that was meant to be.
I've been missing my family a lot lately, my parents, my sisters, and my only brother. You know how sometimes you start thinking about all the times you got to spend together? The holidays that you shared and the good times that you enjoyed. Well, I miss that.
But this morning, at around 7:30am my cell phone rang. It was in my purse, which usually it's not, so I had a hard time finding it. By the time I found it the phone had stopped ringing. So when I look to see who called, it was my brother.
Now, when certain members of my family call I start to worry that there is something wrong because only certain ones call. So when I saw my brothers name I called back right away.
He was on his way to class, he's a teacher, when he accidentaly pocket dialed me. I love when that happens, at least you know that they have your phone number in there cell phone addresses. But we got to talk for just a couple of minutes and connect back with each other.
I felt like that was serendipity, just a happy accident. I love when that happens!

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