Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Need Help (or so says my blogitor)

I got a note from my blogitor this morning when I opened up my computer and got on to my blog. Now, I understand that some of you are on your own and have no blogitor to correct your mistakes or make suggestions to improve your blog. I would be very sorry for you if I didn't actually need a blogitor. I know I don't pay her enough because she does an excellent job for me. Well in all truthfulness, I don't pay her anything, but then she's my daughter so I don't have to, I just have to love her and I do, so there. So, I think I will post this without spellcheck or anything and see how good she really is at her job. Thank you, blogitor for all you do for me in making my blog a little more readable and if you will continue to correct, I will continue to make many more mistakes.


  1. So are you saying you don't want me to correct so you can learn from your mistakes? You sound like a mom. Oh wait, you are my mom.

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  5. So, you see those three posts that were removed? That's because I tried to blogit myself. It didn't work out too well. Please don't quit being my blogitor.
